Basic Set Theory by Exercises: Products and Unions.

2 min readMay 19, 2022

Set theory is a very fundamental and interesting part of mathematics. Typically its basics are being taught in the first semester of a course in mathematics. Everybody who uses mathematics in some form should have a basic knowledge of this subject. In this series of articles I want to provide some nice exercises together with their solutions, that I discovered at various places. It is like everywhere, learning by doing makes you a master, but not holding some certificate or title.

The following question can be categorized as being easy since it requires only most basic knowledge of set theory itself. Though, it may appear a little tricky to directly find a good approach to the solution.


Show the following statement to be true:

This roughly states that the above union operator translates into an ‘OR’ on the level of factors.




I am a Software Developer - Java, Rust, SQL, TypeScript - with strong interest doing research in pure and applied Mathematics.